Chaos Of The Periodic Table Mac OS

  1. Chaos Of The Periodic Table Mac Os X
  2. The Periodic Table Printable

Periodic Table X is an easy-to-use periodic table. Features: Quick access to a wide variety of atomic properties. Relative values of many atomic properties on the periodic table are viewable as color scales on reconfigurable tables. Visible spectra, molecular weight. Carbon is one of Apple’s C-based application programming interfaces (APIs) for macOS (formerly Mac OS X), the operating system that powers Macintosh computers. Carbon provided a good degree of backward compatibility for programs that ran on Mac OS 8 and 9.Developers could use the Carbon APIs to port (“carbonize”) their “classic” Mac software to the Mac OS X platform with little.


New links added throughout each month will be denoted by the symbol.
Links which are especially noteworthy will be denoted by the symbol.
Links which contain downloadable software will be denoted by the symbol.
Links which are on the verge of being deleted will be denoted by the symbol.

The Atomic Mac and The Atomic PC
The Atomic Mac is an award winning periodic table of the elements program for the Mac (or the PC). They make a very strong claim: 'No other periodic table of the elements has more data than The Atomic Mac/PC.' The list of information displayed for each element is impressive. A molecular weight calculator is included in the software package. An evaluation copy is available for downloading and will allow you to view data from some of the elements. The registration cost is $25. of resolution mac os.

The periodic table, also known as the periodic table of elements, is a tabular display of the chemical elements, which are arranged by atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties.The structure of the table shows periodic trends.The seven rows of the table, called periods, generally have metals on the left and nonmetals on the right. The Periodic Table Explorer is the complete reference for the elements of the periodic table.It contains over 1400 pages of (searchable) text, a glossary of terms, biographies of important chemists, lists of compounds, hundreds of scientific constants, and over two hundred images!

Atomic Orbitals CD
The Atomic Orbitals CD-ROM is self-paced interactive software designed to teach students about atomic structure. It includes 3D animation and voice annotation, and covers topics such as the history of atomic theory, the shapes of the orbitals, hybrid orbitals, filling order, etc. You can view screen-shots or Quicktime movie demos of the CD at this site. You need to contact Jones and Bartlett Publishers to order this software. [Knowledge by Design has other software titles available.]

Atoms, Symbols, and Equations
This program is a multimedia chemistry tutor that covers topics such as elements, symbols, the periodic table, chemical formulas, writing and balancing equations, atomic structure, and the formation of ions. It will run under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP (including networks). A version for Windows 3.1 is still available. Atoms, Symbols, and Equations is Free to download and try, but is shareware and may be purchased for $24.

ChemBalance Wizard
ChemBalance Wizard is a program that will rapidly balance chemical equations. It was not designed to predict the products of a reaction, only balance the species (up to ten) input by the user. This is a 32-bit program designed to run under Windows 95/NT. A Windows 3.x version is also available. ChemBalance Wizard is FREEWARE!

ChemBalancer is an online game that teaches how to balance chemical equations visually. With this program, the user types numbers in front of each molecule until the visual representation shows the same number of atoms on both sides of the equation. It works as a nice follow up to an in-class teaching on the subject. (If you choose to use this game, run through everything yourself before recommending to your students. The author has several links on their website that include personal philosophies which may be contrary to those you wish to espouse.) Another option is to download the FREEWARE version of the game and install it on your own computers.

CheMentor is a series of chemistry tutoring modules with the intent of helping students to develop mastery of a topic by using the computer as a learning aid - putting together their own on-screen learning environment. They contain sets of multiple-step problems which are used by a student as he/she is attempting to work the problem with pen and paper. The CheMentor modules will run on PC and Macintosh computers (min 1Mb RAM and OS 6.0.5 or later). A demo copy is available for downloading.

Chemistry Associates
Chemistry Associates produces educational material for chemistry and the sciences. A majority of their unique products are interactive CD-ROMs, capable of being used on any computer with a CD-ROM drive.

Chem-It is a convenient software program which allows access to a periodic table, conversion factors, a calculator, a list of constants, and a notepad all in one package. The current version (version 1.1) will only run under the Windows OS. Chem-It costs $7.95 to register, with a 60 day satisfaction guarantee.

Chemware Home Page
This site contains chemistry education Windows software and shareware for teachers and high school students.

ChemWindow is a chemistry publishing software package which, among other things, makes it easy to draw 2D and 3D chemical structures on MS Windows based computers. The program saves chemical structure files as GIF files allowing you to easily include them in electronic documents or communicate over the WWW.

Chem1 Instructional Software For General Chemistry
Chem1Ware specializes in the development of CAI lesson materials that provide comprehensive, in-depth instruction in the major topics of general chemistry. Although they are intended mainly for the first-year university level, many of the lessons in each set are suitable for high school courses, especially those involving AP or IB programs. They have examination copies in several different formats available for downloading.

Chime is a web browser plug-in that allows you to view 2D and 3D structures directly on an HTML page. This plug-in is FREE to download, and versions are available for both Windows and Macintosh.

Chime Help Tools
A Brief Introduction to Chime (Wellesley College)
Chime: How To Use It (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Crocodile Clips
Crocodile Clips develop and publish software for teaching science and technology in schools and colleges. Their Crocodile Chemistry package is a complete virtual chemistry lab which allows the user to choose the chemicals and apparatus, set up the experiment, and see the outcome animated on screen. Features include 40 different activities, real-time graphing, sample experiments, and complete control over concentration, volume, and experiment set-up. They have a free demo available for downloading.

CurveExpert is a comprehensive XY data curve fitting system for Windows. 'This program was designed to be simple but powerful, so that all users can obtain a model for their data quickly and easily.' They have a free shareware version available for downloading.
CyberEd Multimedia
CyberEd Inc. is an educational software company that develops and markets multimedia CD-ROM products for high school and college level science education. They were founded in 1994, and are proud of the fact that all research, writing, art and programming are done in-house. Their products have won them several awards. There are numerous chemistry titles available, and they offer free sample discs. Versions are available for Macintosh or Windows with a 30 day preview/guarantee.

Digital Graphics
Digital Graphics produces educational software for various academic disciplines, including chemistry. They offer many titles, and have demos for each title available to download. Their software is designed to run under the Windows OS.

Falcon Software, Inc.
Falcon Software publishes educational chemistry programs for high schools, with titles covering general through organic chemistry. Their software makes use of video clips and is very interactive. They have packages for teachers and for students. The prices are reasonable, product demos are available for the curious, and their technical support is very helpful!

Formula Master
'Formula Master is a product of Scientific Creations, designed as an interactive learning tool to aid chemistry students in learning chemical elements, ions, and formulas. Students can practice, drill and test at their skill level, until they have mastered the language of chemistry.' At this time this program is only available for use on Windows based PC's. The cost of the software is very reasonable.

Grafpapr is a program that allows you to make and print out several different types of blank graph paper. It will run under Windows 3.1 and 95/98. Grafpapr is FREEWARE!

Hungry Frog Chemistry
This site provides a set of chemistry 'modules' which run off of a main program. The software is targeted at students in grades 5-12, depending on the module topic. Topics range from the periodic table to organic chemistry. This software runs on Apple/Macintosh computers.

Instructional Software for Chemistry
This page provides entry into several lists of software sources, demonstration materials and other resources of interest to Chemistry teachers and course designers. Also provided are entries into other resources related to the teaching of Chemistry.

Interactive Chemistry
This site has downloadable Java applets that can be used to supplement lecture material. Included are a Virtual Titrator, Stoichiometry Solver, and a molecular weight calculator. The files can be used on the web or downloaded, and the source code is available. (From the University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Knowledge Factory
Knowledge Factory publishes educational science software for the high school and college level. Their software makes use of animation and sound and is available for all types of operating systems. They have a free 30 preview.
LabWorks Learning System
SCI Technologies creates data acquisition systems for college and high school science labs. The LabWorks Learning System is their computer-based laboratory data acquisition device (integrated hardware and software) designed to work with any sensing device that produces an analog or digital signal. Their goal is to allow the focus of a science lab to shift from data collection to data analysis and experiment design.

MathMol is designed to serve as an introductory starting point for those interested in the field of molecular modeling. This site contains an overview, links to public domain modeling software, a library of 3-D molecular structures, etc. It also contains an online textbook, projects related to the water molecule, and more. Isometric park (actuallyalys <3) mac os. mac="">

MCH Multimedia
MCH Multimedia produces high quality interactive science multimedia that covers both Chemistry and Physics. All products are cross-platformed and use animations, voice comments, movies, graphs, and quizzes to engages students and bring the concepts of science to life. With over 25 hours of study material on each CD, the concepts of chemistry and physics are extensively covered. Trial versions are available for downloading.

MeasureNet Technology, Ltd.
MeasureNet is a newly-designed network lab system, based on network technology developed by the automotive industry, and is being put to use in several high schools in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, as well as at the University of Cincinnati. More information about this new technology can be found at the developer's university web page.

Model Science Software
Model ChemLab is a real-time 2-D simulation of a chemistry lab in which the user interacts with animated lab equipment, similar to lab work. Each lab simulation is contained in a separate simulation module, thus many different labs are possible using the common lab interface.

Molecular Weight Calculator
This is a valuable time saving tool for teachers! The Molecular Weight Calculator calculates a compound's molecular weight (or formula weight), and the percent composition of the compound, displaying the results for up to 20 compounds simultaneously. Hydrates are allowed, and specific isotopes can be recognized. The program is available in Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me/XP, Windows 3.x, and DOS versions (the Windows versions contain added features). The Molecular Weight Calculator is FREEWARE!

NCSA ChemViz
The Chemistry Visualization program at NCSA (ChemViz) is a program which uses the power of the www in combination with the power of the SGI supercomputer to generate images of atoms, molecules and atomic orbitals. Accounts are required and can be freely obtained by anyone. They even have links to lesson plans which teachers have developed for use with ChemViz.

Periodic Table
Periodic Table is a small periodic table of the elements program that displays the periodic table and gives basic information about each group and element. Versions are available for Macintosh or Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me. It requires 256 color display (it will not run with any other resolution). Periodic Table is FREEWARE!


Periodic Table
Periodic Table is an award winning periodic table of the elements program for the Macintosh which provides a considerable amount of information for each element. It includes a molecular weight calculator. A demonstration copy is available for downloading with a registration cost of $15 to unlock all the features.

Periodic Table Bundle v3.0
A downloadable version of the periodic table. It runs on Macintosh computers. This program is shareware with a registration fee of $10.

Periodic Table of Elements
Schoolmasters Science is offering a downloadable periodic table program (the link is located near the bottom of their homepage). This program runs on PCs and is FREEWARE!

The Physical Science Series
The Physical Science Series is a collection of chemistry and physics software (interactive HyperStudio programs) written specifically for high school chemistry and physics students. It has been classroom tested, and can be edited if you own a copy of HyperStudio. Screen shots are available for viewing. The prices are very reasonable, and include a 30 day trial period. This software is currently available in the Macintosh format only.

The periodic table song

Programs for the TI-83 Plus
This page has several chemistry programs that can be used to analyze lab data with the TI-83 Plus.

PTViz Periodic Table Illustrator
PTViz is a program that creates illustrations of element properties using the periodic table. It runs on Macintosh computers with OS 7.0 or later.

Pure Mac: Chemistry
This page provides a concise listing of available chemistry software (retail, shareware, and freeware) for Macintosh users.

Chaos Of The Periodic Table Mac Os X

RasMol is a program which will display and produce beautiful, space-filling, colored, 3-dimensional molecular images. This program is FREE to download, and versions are available for both Windows and Macintosh. The University of California, Berkeley has produced a modified UCB Enhanced Rasmol.

The Simtel.Net Windows 3.x Collection of Chemistry Programs
This page presents a list of downloadable chemistry software for Windows version 3.x.

The Simtel.Net Windows 95/98/Me Collection of Chemistry Programs
This page presents a list of downloadable chemistry software for Windows version 95/98/Me.

Snowbird Software
Snowbird Software produces educational chemistry programs for teaching chemistry at the high school and junior college levels. Their titles cover broad topics such as inorganic and organic chemistry, or specific topics such as atomic structure. Product demos are available for the curious.

Spartan Software
Spartan Software has a software package titled Chemical Calculations which is designed to be a problem solving assistant to students in high school and college, and an instructional tool for teachers.

Team Labs
Team Labs is the creator of Personal Science Laboratory (PSL), computer-based science instrumentation for education.

Texas Instruments
This is the Texas Instruments educational site containing information about their calculators and the CBL system. This web site is very big and can be overwhelming. However, your patience will pay off. Some of the notable pages on this site are the CBL/CBL 2 Probe Reference Matrix for Chemistry and the Free Calculator Software Applications (APPS) section which contains several programs such as updated Operating System Software, a StudyCards Creator (you can download StudyCards Stacks), a Start-Up Customization program, a Periodic Table DEMO, and much more!

Thayer ChemSoftWare LLC
Thayer ChemSoftWare LLC has developed interactive chemistry software for the more difficult (student perspective) topics taught. All programs are available for either Windows 95 (or later) or Mac (OS 7.0 or later) and can be ordered on floppy disk or CD.

The Periodic Table Printable

TI-83/83P and CBL Programs
This page provides a suite of chemistry lab data acquisition programs for use on a TI-83/83P and CBL. These programs can be used to gather, process, graph, and analyze data in the chemistry lab. There is also a list of TI/CBL resource links.

Vernier Software
Vernier Software produces the LabPro, a large selection of sensors, software, and curricular material (experiments using computers with Vernier Software products) for use in the chemistry lab. You can use their equipment with a computer (USB connection required), a TI Graphing Calculator, or as a stand-alone data collector.

ZDNet Downloads
This link takes you to the ZDNet Downloads page. There are several chemistry programs available for downloading here. You will need to do a search for 'chemistry' on their 'Search For:' line.
This site allows you to curve and surface fit 2D and 3D data online 'with a rich set of error histograms, error plots, curve plots, surface plots, and contour plots.' The site also has an automatic function finder that finds the best functions to fit a given set of data.

The example 'OS X 10.10 Yosemite - Finder window' shows usage of user interface (UI) design elements: window frame, toolbar, menu, app icons, wallpapers.
'The Finder is the default file manager and graphical user interface shell used on all Macintosh operating systems. Described in its 'About' window as 'The Macintosh Desktop Experience', it is responsible for the launching of other applications, and for the overall user management of files, disks, and network volumes. It was introduced with the first Macintosh computer, and also exists as part of GS/ OS on the Apple IIGS. It was totally rewritten with the release of Mac OS X in 2001. In a tradition dating back to the classic Mac OS of the 1980s and 1990s, the Finder icon is the smiling screen of a computer, known as the Happy Mac logo.' [Finder (software). Wikipedia]
The GUI example 'OS X 10.10 Yosemite - Finder window' was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Mac OS User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.