Inflate Mac OS

Author: Deron Eriksson
  1. Inflate Mac Os Catalina
  2. Inflate Mac Os Catalina
  3. Mac Os Catalina
Description: This Java tutorial describes how to deflate and inflate a file.
Tutorial created using: Windows XP JDK 1.5.0_09 Eclipse Web Tools Platform 2.0 (Eclipse 3.3.0)

The maximum version of Mac OS X, OS X, or macOS supported by each G3 and later Mac follows. For complete specs on a particular system, click the name of the Mac. For all Macs that are compatible with a specifc maximum supported version of Mac OS X - courtesy of's Ultimate Mac Sort - click the OS of interest. In flexible bronchoscopy, a doctor inserts a thin, bendable tube through the mouth or nose into the lungs. A light and a small camera on the bronchoscope allow the doctor to look inside the lungs' airways.

The package has two classes, DeflaterOutputStream and InflaterInputStream, that make it easy to compress (deflate) and uncompress (inflate) a stream. So if we output a stream to a FileOutputStream via a DeflaterOutputStream, this will compress the data, resulting in a compressed file. On the other hand, if we have compressed file data that we are reading from a FileInputStream, we can pass it through an InflaterInputStream to uncompress the data.

This is demonstrated by the DeflaterInflaterTest class. This class reads a regular text file, 'original.txt', and compresses/copies it to the 'deflated.txt' file. It then reads 'deflated.txt' and uncompresses/copies it to 'inflated.txt'.

The original.txt consisted of the following text. The file was 790 bytes long.

Inflate Mac OS


The content (compressed data) of deflated.txt is shown below. The file was 47 bytes long.

Inflate Mac Os Catalina

Inflate Mac OS

Inflate Mac Os Catalina


Mac Os Catalina

The inflated.txt file contents are shown below. As you can see, it is an exact copy of original.txt after the compressed data was inflated. The file was 790 bytes long.


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