Inverted (itch) (Alley) Mac OS
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Visual Novels 29674 Tags 2629 Releases 75358 Producers 11198 Staff 22583 Characters 93690 Traits 2855. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
Honors Theses
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It's certainly rare to see people with animal heads while walking down the street, but it has been known to happen. On the occasions when a person does see someone with an animal head, they think something along the lines of, 'Oh, what a quaint performer!' or something equally as posh and oblivious. Peter, however, was a man who didn't trust his own reasoning. Not if he could help it. So, when he happened to see a person with an animal head while walking down the street one fine Saturday, he paid attention. There it was, down the alley: a tall man in plain, amorphous clothes with a massive lizard head where his face should be. He seemed to be listening to the man who stood opposite him. This other was as big as a linebacker but, thankfully, human. Peter pretended to himself that he had gotten an itch in one of his eyes so he could justify rubbing them. When he opened them again, the man with the animal head was still there, animal head and all. From where he stood, Peter could hear the voices of the men in the alley. Rather, he could hear that they were speaking. The noises of the city kept him from hearing the words. He felt a miniature war rage in his gut. On one side, the soldiers of morbid curiosity. On the other side, nerves. Curiosity won in the end, however, and in an action with consequences Peter had no way of understanding, he edged into the alley and squatted behind a garbage can.
Recommended Citation
Crook, Andrew, 'Stories from Elsewhere: A Novella' (2019). Honors Theses. 726.
Since June 06, 2019
Inverted (itch) (alley) Mac Os Update
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Inverted (itch) (alley) Mac Os Version
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